Chairman of Airports Authority Welcomes interCaribbean’s Expansion

Chairman of Airports Authority Welcomes interCaribbean’s Expansion

As Chairman of the BVI Ports and Airport Authority, I congratulate interCaribbean Airways’ Chairman and Founder, Mr. Lyndon Gardiner, for his promising new ventures in the Eastern Caribbean.

Several news stories circulating through the Caribbean region in the last few days have cited Gardiner’s airline, interCaribbean, as one of the major private carriers to step in and fill the void that may be left by LIAT, the region’s long-standing Carrier and a fixture in the Eastern Caribbean for the last few decades.

Mr. Gardiner has shown that he is a visionary. In a period that has been daunting for the airline industry, he is showing a willingness to expand; to take a bold risk, and, in the process, provide a much-needed service for an area of the region that will desperately need it in the coming months, at least.

For years, interCaribbean Airways has given reliable and safe service to the British Virgin Islands and many other islands throughout the Caribbean. We have had the opportunity to partner with them, and I can attest that their professionalism is unmatched. They take their business seriously and Mr. Gardiner leads from the front in that regard. I am confident that this is the same high-level operation that they will bring to those countries in the Eastern Caribbean that were yet to experience their business model.

Not only will interCaribbean Airways increase capacity and create more jobs and opportunities for locals - both directly and indirectly - but, it will also be at the heart of the region’s transportation system, connecting more people and more cities than any other carrier.

The Caribbean integration movement has had its challenges, but air travel has always been our hallmark. I am, therefore, heartened to learn that our movement will be able to withstand this latest challenge. Grenada, Barbados, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica and the few other remaining countries that will welcome the interCaribbean brand, will most certainly be satisfied with the experience.

About the British Virgins Airport Authority

The BVI Airports Authority (the Authority) is an autonomous entity which was given a mandate by the Government of the Virgin Islands to manage all airports in the Virgin Islands. 

The Authority currently falls under the portfolio and directive of the Premier’s Office through an appointed Board of Directors who are elected on the basis of a commitment to the programs and purposes of the Authority. The Board establishes the broad guidelines of philosophy and institutional purpose and names the Managing Director to execute those guidelines. The Board of Directors meets on a monthly basis.



BVI Airports Authority
Road Town, Tortola
British Virgin Islands

+1 (284) 394-8000