TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS, October 22, 2020 - The British Virgin Islands Airport Authority announces that, on the directive of the Government of the BVI, that Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport, will reopen to commercial passenger traffic on Tuesday, December 1st, 2020, at 7 a.m.
The BVI airports were closed to incoming traffic on March 22nd, 2020, in a bid to prevent the importation and spread of the COVID-19 virus. Since then, the pandemic, which has affected over 7 million people throughout the world, killing over a quarter of a million of them, has largely been contained in the Territory. To date, only 71 positive cases have been recorded, with 1 death. There are currently no active cases on island. Government has maintained that the early and decisive action to close the borders was instrumental in the management of the virus.
With the rest of the Caribbean region already experiencing phased and full reopening, the British Virgin Islands is among the last to reopen its borders to commercial air traffic—a move that the Chairman of the Authority views as “timely and strategic,” to revive the halted tourism sector and its dependent subsectors, such as agriculture, transportation and small business.
According to the Chairman, Mr. Bevis Sylvester, “the Authority considered it prudent to recommend the reopening to the Government months in advance, so as to implement best practices in health and safety, to protect our visitors and our locals, alike. Extensive consultation has been conducted, and we have had a remarkable opportunity to observe what is working and not working in other neighbouring islands, and around the world.”
The Chairman said that a grand reopening will be held for stakeholders on November 30th, at which point, the relevant departments, such as Tourism and Health, will outline to the Territory the new look and operations of the BVI airports in this new normal. He promises that no effort will be spared in assuring the safety of the Territory.
The airports’ reopening comes amidst a surge in major tourism source markets around the world, such as the United States and the United Kingdom.
The Chairman assures that the protocols for the reopening have been formulated over months of careful planning amongst industry stakeholders, and that while there is yet no fool-proof protective measures against COVID-19, the guidelines have been tailored to ensure optimal protection of the Territory.
All reopening and entry protocols will be released on Monday, October 26, 2020.
About the British Virgin Islands Airport
The BVI Airports Authority (the Authority) is an autonomous entity which was given a mandate by the Government of the Virgin Islands to manage all airports in the Virgin Islands.
The Authority currently falls under the portfolio and directive of the Premier’s Office through an appointed Board of Directors who are elected on the basis of a commitment to the programs and purposes of the Authority. The Board establishes the broad guidelines of philosophy and institutional purpose and names the Managing Director to execute those guidelines. The Board of Directors meets twice monthly.